About our events

We support between 10 and 12 productions to tour per year. We’re not producers so this work is always finished and tour ready. We guarantee to cover the company’s touring costs and negotiate bespoke guarantee vs split deals with each venue depending on their circumstances and audience development goals, using our funding to subsidise the difference.

We tour contemporary theatre, including dance-theatre and contemporary circus, that:

  • may struggle to tour in the region without our support
  • covers a wide range of themes and topics
  • represents the diverse population that make up the communities in our region
  • appeals to a range of audiences – from babies to adventure seekers, from families to those who might feel ‘traditional theatre’ isn’t for them.

We are also keen to support companies to increase their accessibility and environmental credentials.

Each summer we present work that can tour to outside spaces and we are always interested in hearing about productions that can take place in community spaces such as libraries, halls and sports centres.

We have a commitment to tour two international productions across our network each year. We believe that work from other countries has the potential to present different views, cultures and experiences that enrich and inform our communities.

List of Events

  1. Whipped Up! 1950s diner illustration with babies at a counter with ice cream sundae


  2. In Other Words show image, two people stand holding hands on a purple cloudy background


  3. A clown puppet is held above someone wearing red, holding a model of the moon


  4. DUCK