About The Guy in The Luggage Rack

The best piece of circus I have seen in a long time and probably the most successful in its ability to tackle a difficult subject with a feather light touch.

Audience Member

‘Daisyʼs mum died, nearly a year ago now. Sheʼs fine. Sheʼs busy. She canʼt complain. Except sheʼs got this slight issue with an invisible guy that wonʼt leave her alone and itʼs becoming increasingly difficult to get on with getting on.ʼ

Daisy is doing her best to keep her chin up and her head down – but as the first anniversary of her mumʼs death approaches she begins to realise grief isnʼt something she can put aside indefinitely, and whether sheʼs willing to admit it or not, things arenʼt fine.

From the silly to the sublime to the scary to the ridiculous, Daisy wrestles (sometimes literally) with her grief – Ian, a 6-foot invisible bald guy with a lot of luggage – eventually discovering that by letting him into her world she is able to reconnect with the memory of her mother.

About She Said Jump

She Said Jump is a physical theatre company combining the silly and the serious to create performances for indoor, outdoor and digital spaces. They create original equipment that helps integrate stories with aerial circus. Their approach focuses on playfulness and communication and draws on theatre, clown, circus, dance, mime and puppetry.

Event times

Performance times to be confirmed. Please consult the venue for accurate timing.

She Said Jump Company Website

Choose Dates and Book

  • Memorial Gardens, Staines
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  • Millennium Green, Bridport
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  • Millennium Green, Bridport
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  • Stockwood Discovery Centre, Luton
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  • Stockwood Discovery Centre, Luton
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  • Cornerstone Arts Centre, Didcot
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  • Cornerstone Arts Centre, Didcot
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  • Brighton Open Air Theatre
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