News Story

As we approach the final few days of 2022, we are taking a look back at all the work we have been able to achieve throughout the year. It was amazing having 3 full seasons of touring shows and catching up with you all at our Pitch Up, Network Days & regional cluster meetings.

Our highlights must be:

  • seeing programmers & artists 'in the flesh' at Pitch-up in February and having exciting new conversations about future projects
  • helping 33 young people start their careers in the arts through the kickstart scheme
  • touring 8 wonderful & diverse productions, attracting and enthralling new audiences to 93 venues across 132 performances
  • heading out to venues and starting new regional discussions between programmers & marketeers in our summer cluster meetings
  • Mark touring the south coast & Isle of Wight venues on his bike!
  • returning to the Edinburgh Fringe with a number of first-time visiting programmers
  • a really practical sustainability Network Day to inspire venues to tackle their carbon footprints

Thank you to all the companies we toured and people we worked with in 2022. We're looking forward to a number of exciting new shows and projects happening in 2023 and hope you will be able to take part in someway.