festival visits

house visits festivals across the country and internationally to discover some of the best new & exciting contemporary theatre to potentially tour across the southeast. We take programmers from venues across the network to see the work too so they get to actively help choose the future house programme. These are also great opportunities to network with fellow programmers and share ideas and experiences with other venues looking to programme live theatre.

Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Each year house theatre takes our largest delegation of programmers to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. house arranges and covers the cost of the accommodation, which can be hard to arrange if visiting the festival alone, and also organises chances to enjoy the festival alongside other programmers through the first-night dinner and Buddies scheme.

Festivals in the South East

There are so many amazing festivals regularly taking place in the South East of England. Find below a list of festivals taking place in your back garden!

Brighton Festival

Dates: Sat 3–Sun 25 May 2025

Norfolk & Norwich Festival
Dates: 9 - 25 May 2025

Great Yarmouth

Out There Festival
Dates: TBC 2025



Dates: TBC June 2025


First Light

Dates: 21-22 June 2025


Basingstoke Festival

Dates: TBC June - July 2025


Hat Fair

Dates: TBC June – July 2025

FUSE International - Creative Youth (creativeyouthcharity.org)
Dates: TBC June - July 2025

Isle of Wight
Ventnor Fringe

Dates: 19-28 July 2024

Milton Keynes
IF Milton Keynes International Festival

Dates: 18-27 July 2024

Royal Docks, London
Ensemble Festival

Daters: 20-21 July 2024

Stockton International Riverside Festival (SIRF)

Dates: 2-4 August 2024

Greenwich, London

Greenwich + Docklands International Festival

Dates: 23 August - 8 September 2024


bOing! Festival

Dates: 24 -25 August 2024


Out of the Ordinary Festival
Dates: 24 -25 August 2024

Bournemouth & Poole
Inside Out Dorset

Dates: TBC